[caption id="attachment_1139" align="aligncenter" width="234" caption="LA TORTA PALLONE DA CALCIO"]
Ciao Amici di Rosen, l'11 di giugno mio figlio fa il complenanno ma visto che lo stesso giorno tocca pure a me e l'8 invece a Ina (mia cognata), allora quest'anno abbiamo deciso di fare una torta unica per 3 che però non è quella in foto (la torta per 3 ve la faccio vedere alla fine dell'articolo). Il mio cucciolo, però, poteva non condivere con i suoi compagni i suoi 10 anni??????? allora mi ha chiesto, per il sabato successivo, di invitarne qualcuno a pranzo e così poi giocare fuori nel pomeriggio. Ci stava quindi un'altra torta ..... e secondo Voi ....come potevo farla ????? che bravi...! avete indovinato! A FORMA DI PALLONE DA CALCIO.
Favorita, comunque, dal mio stampo Silikomart, il venerdì pomeriggio, ho fatto 2 pan di spagna, 1 rettangolare ed 1 a forma di pallone, procedendo nel seguente modo:
4 uova
260 farina
260 zucchero
50 gr di acqua
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
2 cucchiai colmi di yogurt fragola e panna di Easy Yo
1 pizzico di sale
- In una larga terrina sbattere bene,con una frusta a mano o anche una elettrica, uova-farina e zucchero
- appena il composto assume una buona consitenza, sempre sbattendo, aggiungere l'acqua ...
- continuare a sbattere ed aggiungere il lievito ed il sale .... e continuare fino a che il composto sia ben spumoso
(solo nel pds a forma di pallone ho aggiunto 2 cucchiai di yogurt, aggiunti prima del lievito e del sale)
- A questo punto il composto......
Ora procediamo a fare la farcitura:
MOUSSE AL CACAO (fatta sempre il venerdì pomeriggio) - INGREDIENTI:
500 lt di panna vegetale montata
300 gr di crema pasticcera al cacao (ottenuta da: con 500 gr di latte - 3 tuorli - 1 bustina di vanillina - 50 gr di fecola - 100 gr di zucchero - 100 gr di cacao in polvere zuccherato - 2 cucchiai di pasta di mandorle - sciogliere bene tutti gli ingredienti in un pentolino e mettere su fuoco moderato. Mescolare sempre senza far bollire. Appena la crema comincia ad addensare continuare per 1 min circa - togliere dal pentolino e fare raffreddare dentro una terrina coperta a contatto con pellicola
Montare la panna ben ferma e, appena la crema è ben fredda, amalgamarne 300 gr con 500 gr di panna montata
Il sabato mattina ho assemblato la torta preparando una bagna di latte e cacao (tipo nesquic...) e bagnato molto il pds....
Ho montato ancora 1 lt di panna vegetale dividendo 500 gr bianca per la farcitura esterna di tutta la torta e 500 gr, colorata di verde, per la sola farcitura del pds rettangolare.
Ho farcito entrambi i pds con la mousse al cacao - nella foto che segue il pds rettangolare era già stato farcito, quello che vedete sopra è il mezzo pallone.....
entrambi i pds sono stati ricoperti di semplice panna montata bianca - Il solo pallone è stato decorato con la pasta di zucchero bianca e nera ed in fine con la panna montata verde ho ricoperto il pds rettangolare e tutto intorno al pallone per dare l'idea del prato verde del campo da calcio. Nelle foto seguenti spero si possano capire i vari passaggi fino ad ottenere il risultato finale......
Ragazzi, che fatica.......! rispetto alle altre che ho fatto per questa c'è voluto più tempo. Due giorni di intenso lavoro (ora capisco perchè le torte decorate con pdz costino così tanto.....!!!!!) Oltretutto mi mancava l'esagono per fare un pallone quasi perfetto ma per una principiante come me e soprattutto fai-da-te, diciamo che il risultato è stato più che soddisfacente sia per aspetto che per gusto......veramente ottimo!!!!
Bacetti a tutti, En!
ooooopppppppppsssssss: quasi dimenticavo !!!! Vi avevo promesso che avrei postato anche la foto della TORTA X 3 ....eccola !!!! anche qui i fiorellini e le foglie sono in pdz - tutto il resto no e non c'è pan di spagna ma pasta sfoglia, farcitura con crema pasticcera alle more etc...etc.... ma questa ricetta alla px volta ....! ciao ciao
ho apprezzato le idee ma la pasta di zucchero come si fa?
RispondiEliminaCiao Caterina, io di solito la pdz preferisco comprarla. Poi a seconda di quanta ne serve o di ciò che si vuol realizzare, la si può anche fare in casa. Ti scrivo la ricetta:
RispondiElimina450 gr di zucchero a velo
5 gr di colla di pesce
30 gr di acqua
50 gr di glucosio
Metti la colla di pesce a bagno nell'acqua x 10 min. Poi aggiungi il glucosio e metti a cuocere a fiamma bassissima - non deve bollire - devi ottenere un composto liquido e fluido. Setaccia poco più della metà dello zucchero a velo su una spianatoia e versa il liquido ottenuto - sopra ancora setaccia lo zucchero avelo rimasto e comincia ad impastare con molta cura e delicatezza fino ad ottenere un composto tipo plastilina. Se durante la lavorazione, senti che l'impasto è duro allora aggiungi un cucchiaino da caffè d'acqua - al contrario, se lo senti troppo morbido, aggiungi zucchero a velo quanto basta - Ottenuta la pdz, avvolgi bene nella pellicola e metti a riposare dentro una vetrina o un mobile - no in frigo - già il giorno dopo la puoi usare e colorare come vuoi.
Spero che questa ricetta ti serva -
Grazie x esserti fermata- Un abbraccio e buone feste. En!
certificates" (p.84).if one is a recent graduate...
RispondiEliminawithout much work experience, then education should be listed first.reviewing the work is the last step in the resume writing process. it is important to check it for spelling and grammatical errors. before anyone looks at the resume, it should be...
priority to posts that have the right...
RispondiEliminakeywords and content that is of the best quality. for this reason, take time to settle for the right keywords depending on your niche. you can always approach experts for necessary assistance and enhance your chances of achieving top ranking in...
blog as the go to place for...
RispondiEliminainformation.5. blog posts are much more effective at getting search engine traffic when they are full of media and images. not only will this get your blog better rankings...it will also make it more fun for people who read your posts....
anyone of the three can have disastrous...
RispondiEliminaresults in your sentences and vastly change what you want to say.they're is the contracted form of they are. (e.g., they're/they are the ones who stole my wallet!)their is a possessive pronoun which denotes possession by a group of people. (e.g.,...
a freelance writer is to interview multiple...
RispondiEliminacandidates and get a sense of what's out there -- a benchmark by which you can understand what is available, and what different writers charge for different skill levels. of course, it will be up to you to determine skill level...
the single academic skill most closely associated...
RispondiEliminawith college success..."often, middle and high school teachers feel pressed just to cover the required material, much less assign a documented research paper. it takes a long time to grade 80 to 130 multiple-page essays and give adequate feedback for ...
the information you display must not all...
RispondiEliminabe free. put some of your special information on sale. this can be easy money for you. you can successfully sell your bets work in this way.some seo firms sell their memberships. by getting this membership, one can easily get access...
even the smallest of start up businesses....
RispondiEliminahere are my three tips for business blogging to get you started.once upon a time having a brochure style business website with a catalog was enough of a presence to lure online searches towards your business. in 2012, it is far...
to read the latest entries.business owners who...
RispondiEliminaare interested in starting or maintaining a blog have plenty of options for finding blog post writers for hire online. these individuals are well-skilled in their fields and understand what it takes to write successful posts time after time. in the...
of knowledge i gained into strengthening my...
RispondiEliminaability to write compelling materials.to put the title "writer" on a resume, suggest you need to be more than someone who has started their own blog. despite the fact that i have a ghostwriting tips blog, it isn't this blog that...
trying to write good blog posts to...
RispondiEliminagenerate traffic, but you're feeling discouraged because you're working hard and not seeing any results?" (the opening line for this article.)3) images that create curiosity. i just started implementing this into my blog posts. one thing that i have...
writers.alternately, you can also type in specific...
RispondiEliminaqueries, like 'seo writer india' if you want to outsource your seo content writing project, or type in 'quality seo article writing, australia' to find someone from your own region.visit each site personally to judge the writer's portfolio, rates ...
do it and plan it beforehand to...
RispondiEliminaavoid stress. and be ready for other alternatives in cases that your strategy did not materialize. online business is not a one-sided way. providing first with extraordinary kind of posts and from then on, you can reap the benefits after making...
services to other bloggers. guest posting is...
RispondiEliminavery common among bloggers to promote their own blog. a blogger can guest post on another blog that focuses on the same topic that he blogs about. if you're a skilled blogger, fellow bloggers would want to pay for your services.you...
you offer.10) proofread for accuracy. this is...
RispondiEliminaas important with blogs as it is with any other type of writing. spelling and grammatical errors will make you look unprofessional.a blog can be very effective as part of your marketing campaign as it can ensure that your website copywriting...
in the future.step 3. register an account...
RispondiEliminaand follow the instructions. choose a design template that will perfectly suit your website. the control panel in blogger and wordpress are very user friendly. don't be scared off, ok? both of them do provide a huge range of default templates....
problems. let me say again that "content...
RispondiEliminais king", and for that reason you should provide value in your content for your readers.readers are self-centered because they like information they can use; in that context, avoid writing posts that are full of information that an audience can not...
joining it is very important following the...
RispondiEliminaguidelines of the company that may be seo article writing company or just article writing company. in any case the writer can make good only by following the guidelines issues. resources that are used by the companies for prospective as well...
traffic using these methods: guest posting: find...
RispondiEliminaa blog to do a guest post for. prepare the guest post beforehand and then ask whether the blog owner can publish it. blog commenting: go and find a handful of relevant blogs and write meaningful comments. forum marketing: find some...
about writing content about a specific industry...
RispondiEliminabefore you hire them to write your articles. you do not want to pay a lot of money to someone who is not knowledgeable in your industry. most writers will tell you how much experience they have in writing for your...
the craft of writing, his process, and...
RispondiEliminahow he's managed to grow a 6-figure income with his writing.here's the interview:what do you like most about your work?i really enjoy writing and being able to work from home. i also enjoy the high return on investment i have been...
capture pages using it as a cool...
RispondiEliminaforward technique.(hint- you should have one of your keywords that's in a heading tag (h1,2,3) as an anchor text).images - your images should have the keyword you've used in the title and description. also if you add a caption, the keyword...
one day after spending time, money and...
RispondiEliminaenergy writing content in order to get website traffic, to find that your site no longer exists. choosing the software from the outset, prevents any upset. only you will make the decisions on what happens to your blog, by deciding on...
is gone i will turn and face...
RispondiEliminafear's path, and only i will remain. - duneto further my point i want to take a moment to discuss three of the classic sci-fi novels i think show how broad a genre it can be, without losing its purity: battlefield...
are through affiliate programs promotion, paid reviews...
RispondiEliminaand selling advertisements. you can place advertisements on the great blog sites to get money. this is a simple and free way to earn money in the internet.there are many blogs that can be found in the blogosphere. the question is...
interview them, and either put the interview...
RispondiEliminain it's entirety as a post or break it up into several posts. run a contest. conduct a poll. use a guest blogger. this is one of the easiest ways to ignore "writer's block." get someone else to blog for you!...
but don't leave old lenses to drop...
RispondiEliminalens rank.11. writing from personal experience is very easy it's easy to say your views and you can go into detail with little effort. the good thing about writing about your personal experiences is that you can form a bond with...
poststhis one can go wrong if done...
RispondiEliminawrong, and can be dangerous to your business if you just try to be controversial however if you genuinely disagree with some current news or trending topic you may find that your post will go viral.when writing your controversial post, it...
and often not well-thought out. but writing...
RispondiEliminais much different. your writing provides a reader an opportunity - at their own pace - to consider your written words as if they are your thoughts, to contemplate them, to study them, even to re-read them so as to understand...
enduring way intended for presenting your name...
RispondiEliminabeing an authority. when preparing this sort of post, you, the blogger, circumscribe requisites, an idea, a functional purpose, together with illustrations and references. like, if i were running a freelance writing company and i had a website, i could...
are well-known writers who have mastered the...
RispondiEliminaart of writing historical screenplays for the industry of film and television. since it is more expensive and complicated to give a shape to historical screenplays, only the best of the lot get to see the daylight.what makes the job of...
and people want to be able to...
RispondiEliminaconnect with you on a level where they can relate to what you are thinking. it is also crucial to give links to websites in your blog. if you give out links for other people they will do the same for...
can build the necessary relationships and ultimately,...
RispondiEliminabuild your business. if you don't then all your efforts will go to waste. one of the best aspects of a blog are that they are already equipped with a comment section for your readers to share their thoughts and opinions,...
easily redirected to the material. often a...
RispondiEliminacompany wants to promote products or services, but must compete with hundreds of other businesses online. knowing where to place key or searched words within the text and knowing the proper length is one aspect. the other is understanding how the...
searching the internet for information. if you...
RispondiEliminaoffer something educating and useful, then they have found something that they have been looking for. and by offering them something what they have been looking for, you make them also feel grateful. you gain more credibility. the readers take your...
to your business image or branding.easy to...
RispondiEliminacustomizeyou don't have to be technically genius to make real good blogs. with wordpress blog templates, everything is easy - from installation down to customization. you just select a theme and tweak it from the dashboard. it's all that simple.easy ...
business blog.why does the business need blogging?...
RispondiEliminafirst of all, blogging is a low-cost way to having a website. blog software is much easier to use compared to a website. therefore, for small business owners, they do not have to learn the complicating web codes or the budget...
project you are hiring for be honest...
RispondiEliminawith yourself about the project you are hiring for. do you need a formal, well trained writer (who would have finished the previous sentence with "for which you are hiring"), or someone more colloquial in tone? does it really matter if...
on what is happening howthe beauty of...
RispondiEliminablogging is that blogs as usual focus on news or events happening in the whole world. the first very important tip for every blog article writer is to write about currently discussed topics, hot news. write about what is happening now,...
your prospects. you should know how to...
RispondiEliminachoose the best features that really meet the needs of your business, considering the amount that you can spend for the particular feature. though it is good to consult a blog designing professional to make a blog, there are many tips...
search field, and let google come up...
RispondiEliminawith all the related keywords. you'll be able to see how many monthly searches each keyword hold. use "exact" search for the most precise results.make your blog title emotionalwhen you've figured out which keywords you want to use, it's time to...
looking for. read on and organize your...
RispondiEliminathoughts before you head off to hire an seo writer!looking for an seo writerthe first thing to consider when you want to hire a web writer is how much help you need. if you are pretty familiar with all of the...
said, "if you wish to converse with...
RispondiEliminame, define your terms." when trying to convey your thoughts to someone else it will be to your advantage to organize your thoughts into a coherent message before you start talking. stay on point and do not dilute your message with...
as a journal, with some education thrown...
RispondiEliminain, but not with an eye toward marketing your business.to your awesome biz,heather a marketing plan is a refined version of a business plan in which all your market research is incorporated into the business plan to know your business in...
life negatively. by taking a few simple...
RispondiEliminasteps, you can put yourself back on track to financial stability. marketing has changed over the years. it is not always easy to promote business, especially in times of uncertainty. it is certainly worth looking at youtube for marketing and taking...
business. blogging has really moved into the...
RispondiEliminaforefront of society, and is making some people very famous. surprisingly, many have yet to capitalize on blogging. if this media tool is of interest to you, keep reading for some valuable information on how to get started.focus on other bloggers...
use an external client interface in order...
RispondiEliminato upgrade content material online. common apis like atom publishing protocol as well as metaweblog api are utilized in this way. desktop software program to upgrade weblogs has been on the rise with wordpress being at the forefront in this regard.a...
you. it is very comfortable to get...
RispondiEliminathese articles written from an expert. it requires utmost level of proficiency to write articles that would convert readers into reliable customers.almost every content writing company offers the best write ups, though you will have to check sample art...
do i find legitimate writing jobs?if you...
RispondiEliminahave not already figured it out, i am an online content writer. i have written this review to help people avoid the trial and error method i went through. instead of writing for many different companies and seeing little return you...
to a professional writer; someone who loves...
RispondiEliminato research, write, and give your blog a touch of extra professionalism.there are many more reasons why you may wish to outsource at least some of your blog writing. here are five of the most popular.1. enthusiastic start, slowly ebbs away.at...
of work. the more you implement these...
RispondiEliminatechniques, the more traffic you will get to your blog, and the more income you will make from your blog if you have monetized it correctly. i hope it all works out for you.good luck with getting lots of traffic to...
comes to writing a good article or...
RispondiEliminablog post there are many things that you can do to not only keep the reader glued but to also make sure you get the full credit from the search engines in terms of traffic and serps. good writing skills and...
better if your blog name is composed...
RispondiEliminaof a maximum of 3 words, but up to 5 words is still okay. the shorter the name, the easier to remember and have more impact when toyed around with.many of these blog name generator services are for free, but unfortunately,...
the content for your website, to gain...
RispondiEliminamore exposure. and isn't that what it's all about? exposure is a business owner's best friend.is your blog content up to snuff?start by making sure your blog content is the best it can be. you need to have 'syndicate-able' material, so...
don't just be contented with using both...
RispondiEliminawords all the time during your research. you can try typing in "weight loss supplements", "weight loss diet" or "exercises for weight loss".• bold important words or phrases. if you need to emphasize the importance of a word or phrase, don'...
first step! haha. use technorati to find...
RispondiEliminablogs in your subject and don't bother with blogs with over 500 authority. they will be too hard to get interviewed on. the lower the authority the easier to get interviewed. you can use interviews on low authority blogs as leveage...
butter fruit juices cereal with low fat...
RispondiEliminamilk minestrone soup yoghurt with fruits salad with light/low fat dressing chicken breast with whole wheat bread fruits grilled chicken with pasta (whole wheat) steamed vegetablesyou can also combine these snacks to create a complete meal that includes...
can be about anything you want it...
RispondiEliminato be.a steady communication streamdoes your company publish a newsletter? every article in that newsletter would likely make a good blog post.perhaps you have an interesting story about how your company won a certain contract. or where some of your ma...
of earning money from a blog.earning from...
RispondiEliminaa blog by affiliate marketinganother best option for earning money from a blog is by affiliate marketing. this basically depends on your success of blog advertising. you can join various affiliate programs which pays you decent commission for every sal...
to end with this instead. we are...
RispondiEliminain a way "selling" ourselves to people. we want them to read our posts, click on our links, and ultimately, partner up with us. so, you have to ask yourself, what do you want your brand to be? who do you...
simple truth has gotten buried... writing a...
RispondiEliminagood article is still the best way to build traffic, gain a solid reputation, and take your online success to new heights.having been an article writer and marketer for over a decade, i can tell you with certainty that the best...
who you are interested in and invite...
RispondiEliminathem in for an interview. you can even do your interview via e-mail. if they are interested in being interviewed you can just send them a list of questions that they can answer on their own time. you readers will appreciate...
a plan, well if you can think...
RispondiEliminaof a plan then that is great, do it, i have at times, however, what i tend to do is start writing. why? well it gets things down on paper (or screen) it is easier to edit stuff that is written...
should be well on your way to...
RispondiEliminaa quality blog.the first thing you want to keep in mind while building your blog is you want quality content. if you have crappy content no one will want to visit your blog and if they do they will leave because...
generated for such online transaction which makes...
RispondiEliminapayment quicker and more convenient. one of the most widely used legit ways to make money online is a blog linked to a website. but to find out how this can be done ethically, one needs to remember what a blog...
may have come a time when you...
RispondiEliminawould have looked to move home and start elsewhere, perhaps retiring to a new area, down-sizing because of children moving on or re-locating because of opportunities with a work situation. it's difficult when the decision is forced on you but looking...
be submitting to a site you think...
RispondiEliminahas a high pagerank but your blog post goes to the 0 page.alexa ranking tells you how many visitors there are and how long they stay. it's a measure of traffic only. the numbers go from 0 to infinity with low...
enough to write an article usually there...
RispondiEliminais a time of day when you just feel like writing choose then to write.7. do your research, the internet is a great place to gather information. no one wants to read a blog that is badly researched and it's best...
content rich blog, that helps people how...
RispondiEliminato solve a problem or achieve a goal. in the mix of all of this, you still have to promote your resale rights product also.whenever you make a post, make sure you link back to the sales letter page of your...
to three time daily. it is important...
RispondiEliminato get a lot of quality content up so that people have something to read. after you have done this for a while, you can eventually cut down to writing once a day for your site.step fourread other blogs in the...
proofread the final document before turning it...
RispondiEliminain.one serious problem in college writing, and even in high school, is the temptation to plagiarize. too many students are tempted by the increasing availability of papers for purchase from online sources. students that plagiarize are cheating themselv...
topic will be sure to gain mass...
RispondiEliminaappeal.common sensehere is another one where the streets are pretty much empty. you can not only use your own common sense to find topics to write about, you could even blog about how there is a prevalent lack of common sense...
What's up, all is going well here and ofcourse every one is sharing data, that's in fact fine, keep up writing.
RispondiEliminatoo many people out there looking to...
RispondiEliminado the same thing you are. so... this is your chance to really dominate any particular niche area. keep in mind that you should start out by targeting the low competition key words first, and then move on the higher competitive...
and it will pull content via rss...
RispondiEliminafrom the websites that you choose and place them onto your blog as posts. as long as they have an rss feed of course. great for news type of blogs. use this alongside your own content then you have a winning...
give it up urgentlythis part of the...
RispondiEliminaarticle is about the style of writing and general mind set a good blog article writer must have. as i have already told you, every great blogger is interested in hot trends, today's news and everlasting questions, but not in yesterday...
that the reader can't say no to....
RispondiEliminagive them no option but to read your writing! no, that doesn't mean to hold your friends and family captive until they have read every paragraph about your latest trip to the local malt shop. instead, try thinking outside of the...
It is truly a great and helpful piece of info. I am glad
RispondiEliminathat you shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us informed like this.
Thank you for sharing.
the other hand, the post menopause symptoms...
RispondiEliminacan also occur because of certain underlying health conditions. because of this, it is highly important that you know about them in good detail.in this article, we will be discussing the most common post menopause symptoms that you can possibly encount...
You ought to take part in a contest for one of the finest sites on the internet.
RispondiEliminaI am going to highly recommend this website!
more attention catching by making a banging...
RispondiEliminaintroduction. something that's explosive or something that incites curiosity would be great. people like to search for something they think is interesting.furthermore, your wordpress blogs appeal to certain readers-only. you're not writing an encyclo...
of explanation to give your lenders. unfortunately,...
RispondiEliminathis will require you to explain your financial situation in attempt to "win over" lenders. many hard working people end up in bankruptcy through no fault of their own, and lenders should be aware of any extenuating circumstances that affected your...
a spell check button on the top...
RispondiEliminabar, on blogger and word press there is a spell-check button at the top of every page you edit. after you have finished writing spell check and proof read all of your writing and then submit it.3. choice an appropriate design...
the header is the first thing that...
RispondiEliminapeople will see so you will want it to be a natural part of your blog and reflect the theme of your blog.there are many wordpress blog themes to choose from that have nice headers so choose one that you like...
any means. millions of people still use...
RispondiEliminablogger to broadcast their message across the world wide web. you can enhance blogger's default functionality with a few nifty plugins. here are five of the best addons available for blogger at the moment.twitter follow us badge easily one of the...
is that you learn to use other...
RispondiEliminabloggers as brain food for your own blog posts. contrary to popular belief content syndication is not a crime, it's not plagiarism and its definitely not content theft. the whole idea behind the best blogs method is take content on a...
people of all experience levels.6. writing jobs...
RispondiElimina(us) - yes we have writing jobs available. we have scoured the internet and aggregated all the top writing jobs. these are jobs working directly for companies and they include content manager, technical writers, web content specialist, online writers, ...
where you can shine the most.next, you'll...
RispondiEliminaneed to think about whether you want to work as a freelancer on your own from home, or if you want to work for someone else. if you are looking to find employment with a company with benefits as opposed to...
a time delay on your blog post...
RispondiEliminato be released when it normally is.if you really can't do it earlier at the very least you should respect your readers enough to leave them a message saying why you haven't posted. you can do that on the road from...
of writing english everyday.once you get those...
RispondiEliminawriting resource materials, whether they are books or internet courses, set a daily schedule for yourself to sit down and practice writing for at least thirty minutes. do not skip over what you think you may already know because you may...
video style website or it can become...
RispondiEliminaa photo gallery. you can add podcasts, sales pages, and ecommerce stores. the possibilities are endless. anyway, i better not get you either too excited or frazzle your brain with 'too much to learn syndrome'.i will take it easy and start...
be shut down at anytime. not good...
RispondiEliminaif you have put in a lot of work.the paid blogs are much better and that's what i am going to talk about more in-depth today.you see there are really three reasons why you want to own your blog. those reasons...
once you learn from your own mistakes,...
RispondiEliminachoose educating others on what you have learned so that you are more able to help and enlighten the industry.i hope you have enjoyed this report! writing award winning blog posts can be very beneficial for your business. i decided to...
always a hot topic. you'll be able...
RispondiEliminato find plenty of ideas on blogging in this arena, you can take a human rights perspective or write about the history to present-day social injustice as it relates to racism. this hot topic will be sure to gain mass appeal.common...
the written word are a hot commodity....
RispondiEliminaas a writer, you will be able to manage your writing and make sure that you are renewing your creative writing spirit, as well as earning the money that you are truly worth. for example, a beginning writer might begin by...
is willing to learn three times as...
RispondiEliminamuch as he or she needs to know in order to write your book. this ensures that all the main points presented in your book will be accurate. any secondary points will also be well supported. even tertiary and lower points...
could get you arrested or hurt isn't...
RispondiEliminanecessarily the best idea. keep it clean of remarks that you wouldn't want your closest friend or mother to see!as with anything else on the internet, once it has been placed online, it stays online. while it is possible for you...
problem and walk through the steps on...
RispondiEliminahow to solve that problem. we all have problems in one way or another. so by giving a solution to a problem in your niche you are assured to satisfy your readers' appetite.use mediawe all eat with our eyes in this...
you can use for your software giveaways:http://www.giveawayoftheday.comhttp://www.software-giveaway.comcontact...
RispondiEliminatheir webmasters if you face problems with distribution. go ahead and ask!! they're running sites for this very purpose. and yeah, do good research before getting your software made. it must be deeply related to the problems your market faces. and...
given guidelines for producing timely, informative articles...
RispondiEliminaand features to increase your subscriber base?whatever your specific needs for a good writer are, this article aims at helping you focus on 5 key requirements of hiring an experienced writer who will deliver value-driven content for enhancing your publ...
not comfortable doing it, you can always...
RispondiEliminapass.start a part-time business. you don't need a big capital to start a business. sometimes, you can start with next to nothing. the quick ways to make money include setting up a day care, walking your neighbors' dogs, bake cakes or...
must respond to this", just don't overdo...
RispondiEliminait. remember: the reader can always just close the tab. after giving the reader something to react to (it can even be an excellently written post), make sure there is a simple way for them to respond. nowadays there are many...
on to these social networking sites and...
RispondiEliminaattempting to create a brand name for themselves.the principle behind social network branding is to encourage a relationship between the viewer and the company. there are a number of ways in which you can improve your standing with the general public,...
your pictures at: now that we've talked...
RispondiEliminaabout keeping your reader's attention what do you think pictures are for? in fact 90% of people are visual learners so including eye-catching pictures & videos are a great way of keeping your reader's interest.6) poor quality content: you don't have...
acclaimed cold mountain, which was also well-received...
RispondiEliminaby the general public. it required a few pages to get used to the style, but i think it's fair to state that most people found the format not to be a problem. from our school days, we remember james joyce...
writers really gets it perfectly in the...
RispondiEliminafirst draft. even if you try, you will always end up proofreading, editing, and revising. scribbling is one simple way to get started. just like how we all started to learn how to write as kids -- we scribble on walls....
be worked into the writing that they...
RispondiEliminado for you.here are some things to keep in mind:the writing styles don't have to match exactly--as long as they don't contradict each other there should be no noticeable difference. if you're very upbeat and friendly, you don't want a writer...
that desperate market, feed it and you...
RispondiEliminawill reap many times more than you sow...target a market and hit it hard.but, whichever blogging technique you choose...you had better believe in what you are offering to your readers, even if it's a basic $10 bucks ebook or a $5k...
and closing paragraphs!internal linksusing links within any...
RispondiEliminaposts that link to relevant posts you have on your site will make your platform that much more attractive to visitors! this is like putting a welcome mat and showing viewers how much more you have to offer in addition to...
this is an frequently overlooked point when...
RispondiEliminaposting an update, even though it is significant if you would like to receive the most activity as possible on your status. so this brings us onto the major question of this article...when is the best time to post your status...
and energy are often those that have...
RispondiEliminasomething to sell. they will be skilled in putting their blogs forward, while everyday folks' blogs languish in obscurity at the bottom of the rankings, swamped by professional competition.is it worth it?blogs are still worthwhile for amateur bloggers...
earn serious money and somehow, get by....
RispondiEliminasome may sound odd while some is considered no sweat. just remember, if you're not comfortable doing it, you can always pass.start a part-time business. you don't need a big capital to start a business. sometimes, you can start with next...
skills they are looking for without breaking...
RispondiEliminaany confidentiality clauses with your existing clients, and with just a little bit of luck they'll adopt your method of working so you can continue to recycle your past efforts too.what's in a template?your templates should ideally end up covering th...
form for good article writers that can...
RispondiEliminadeliver original web copy as well as marketing content and magazine feature articles in addition to fiction, seo articles and what have you!secondly, if you've come across a writer whose style you find appealing and have initiated an inquiry for servi...
content of your article, the readers should...
RispondiEliminanot find your content boring and non-informative. the readers should continue reading your web content so that they understand the essence and purpose of the content. only a skilled content writer can bring back the traffic to the website again and...
so that it doesn't jump up at...
RispondiEliminayou as soon as the calendar changes months. encourage others to contribute. set it up so that you can vet their content before it's published.so you've created a few blogs; now what? embed them right on your website. link to your...
working within an seo framework. so if...
RispondiEliminayou have knowledge of seo, your client will have more confidence in your ability to produce the type of content that is demanded.learn these seo writing tipssearch engine optimization is a vast subject, and one that is not limited to writing,...
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