Ciao Amici di Rosen,
oggi, con un pò di ritardo devo dire..., posto la ricetta dei miei peperoni con cous-cous.
Con questo ripieno, la prima volta, ho fatto gli involtini di melanzane, come uno degli antipasti per il pranzo di Natale ed avendo riscosso un enorme successo ho pensato bene di farci pure il ripieno dei peperoni......ragà che è venutaaaa.....!!!!! nà cosa meravigliosa (almeno per gli amanti dei peperoni...).
3 grossi peperoni (colore a piacere)
cous-cous precotto q.b. (io ho usato quasi mezza scatola da 1/2 Kg, ma il cous-cous ottenuto l'ho usato anche per fare altro)
brodo per il cous-cous q.b. (circa 250/300 ml)
succo di mezzo limone
olio evo 3/4 cucchiai
2 cucchiai pieni di panna acida x cucina
una buona manciata di pistacchio in granella
mortadella a cubetti
sale e pepe q.b.
1 albume d'uovo
una buona manciata di formaggio grattugiato a piacere (io ho usato il cacio cavallo....)
qualche pezzetto di emmental
- prepariamo il brodo - (circa 300 ml)
- in un contenitore largo e alto versare il cous-cous e livellarlo
- versare il brodo caldo sul cous-cous , coprendolo quasi a filo, versare anche il succo di mezzo limone e 3 o 4 cucchiai di olio evo e, senza toccare nulla, coprire il contenitore....
- lasciare riposare il cous-cous circa 5/7 min...
- passato questo tempo "incocciarlo", cioè: con una forchetta cominciare a sfregare, con delicatezza, partendo dalla superficie e via via fino ad arrivare in fondo. Poi finire con i palmi della mani, prendendo il cous-cous tra le mani e sfregare facendolo ricadere nel contenitore. Ripetere diverse volte....mi raccomando, non deve venire una poltiglia dovete vedere proprio i granellini del cous-cous (mi dispiace per le foto, ho dimenticato di farle, ma la prossima volta prometto che le posto).
A questo punto aggiungiamo, sopra il cuos-cous "incocciato", la mortadella a cubetti- il pistacchio in granella- il formaggio grattuggiato- la panna acida ed il sale -
Amalgamiamo bene questi ingredienti fra loro ed infine aggiungiamo l'albume. Continuiamo ad amalgamare non ad impastare .....questo dovrà essere il risultato:
Procediamo con i peperoni:
imburriamo una teglia
laviamo i peperoni - Togliamo il picciolo ed i semini interni - tagliamoli a metà......
aiutandoci con un cucchiaio, procediamo a riempirli con il cous-cous preparato prima ed impostimo i peperoni farciti nella teglia imburrata (i miei peperoni erano abbastanza grandi, quindi ho riempito solo 4 metà ed il terzo l'ho tagliato a listarelle ....)
Mettere sopra i peperoni farciti, qualche pezzetto di emmental ...versare, a filo, un pò d'olio evo ed aggiungere un pò di pepe nero.
Infornare a 200°, fino a che i peperoni si sono abbassati un pò e si comincia a notare un crosticina scura sui bordi....
fare raffreddare un pochino e servire.....
Credetemi.....un vero spettacolo!!! E quello che mi ha sorpreso di più è che sono piaciuti tantissimo ai ragazzi che erano a tavola, Giuseppe mio figlio ed Enrico, il figlio della carissima Giusy che, con la sua famiglia, quella sera, erano i miei graditi ospiti.....!!
Questa ricetta è veramente versatile perchè si può usare come antipasto o come piatto unico.... si può mangiare sia tiepido che freddo, giorno dopo sembra ancora più buono. Provateci e poi mi direte !!!!
Bacetti a tutti, En..!!
supplementation.regardless of your fitness goals, nutrition is...
RispondiEliminavital and unless you eat properly, you will not be able to build muscle or even lose weight. it is particularly important for people struggling with obesity to understand that starving yourself will not lead to weight loss, instead the metabolic...
perhaps. the most important thing is to...
RispondiEliminaget started. get stuff written down. you will stop and re read all that you have written, and you will edit it till you are happy.writing down is in fact a plan of its own; you will see where you need...
to know how to get your chosen...
RispondiEliminaprofessional seo writer to deliver the best seo content for your article marketing campaign, so you rank higher in the search engines and also ensure readers are interested in learning more about your products or services.for best website promotion via...
practical tips for hiring the best wordsmith...
RispondiEliminafor your publication needs.first of all remember what works for general shopping deals doesn't work so well when it comes to creative professionals like writers. this means, don't go looking for a one-size-fits all type of individual - there's no ge...
it this makes that job much easier....
RispondiEliminayou can add certain things to your blog to make it your own and get it to function in a way that suits your business loves it - google will tend to rank these blog much higher than the free...
little over three feet long and tend...
RispondiEliminato look more like a viper than a snake because they have a triangular head.if you want to get into keeping exotic pets, there is no doubt you can find them in australia. it has many more interesting reptiles than these,...
another common mistake. "everybody needs to bring...
RispondiEliminatheir own blankets" is incorrect. the sentence should read, "everybody needs to bring his or her own blankets." a more common version of this error involves people. "her and i are going to the store" is incorrect. "she and i are...
with your readers. ask them to respond...
RispondiEliminaby writing their guilty pleasures in return.4. if i were a tv producer. surely you've complained about the rubbish tv programmes. so if you were behind the controls, what would you produce which wouldn't send viewers switching to another channel or...
and generating enough advertising to produce a...
RispondiEliminasubstantial income won't happen overnight. many of the bloggers who make a full-time income have several different types of advertisements on their blog, and they put much time and effort into making money from their blog. blogging is popular with lot...
do you consider yourself a good writer?...
RispondiEliminahave you been wondering how you could your skills to work to earn an income? there are plenty of writing opportunities available to the writer who has great skills. in fact, you can become an accomplished writer in no time at...
three times in your opening paragraph and...
RispondiEliminamaybe twice in every paragraph after. that is enough keywords. simply put, make sure it doesn't look unnatural - you can use other forms of the word. images and video: it is a brilliant idea to use images in your posts,...
members randomly and invite opinion. people love...
RispondiEliminato be considered smart enough to be asked for their views! conduct a single question poll on a core topic in your blog niche, headlining it with the query and leaving answers open for a limited time, say for a week....
there.don`t forget to use some links in...
RispondiEliminayour article. using different types of reference there can improve your authority and can create powerful backlinks. but you have to take care when using links reference. those links have to be from some sites with high pr, and where the...
on purpose for profit. what is it...
RispondiEliminathat you're trying to achieve by writing your blog post? if its to create a subscriber database or direct potential customers to a sales funnel than blogging is a fantastic way to get in front of like-minded does your target...
musicians so that you will be inspired...
RispondiEliminaall the time. embellishments can also add up beauty and depth to your song books. creativity is an important aspect in song writing. start your song writing process with your customized songbook. blogs, which were traditionally used to share views, ref...
or short manner, basically describe the product...
RispondiEliminaor services, which one business is providing. articles must be of high quality, original content and must give up to date information. the first paragraphs must be excellent, as viewers tend to read them first and if they find them useless...
you need to make sure they offer...
RispondiEliminayou topics you can enjoy writing about. it will just make it a lot easier for you to continue writing if you are enjoying you should make a list of sites that offer payment to freelance writers and then research...
you prefer. remember, article writers that have...
RispondiEliminaa vast knowledge about all types of content are the ones that are titled the the end you just have to try different methods of article writing. since there is no magic formula for content writing, you just have to...
day! more than just being a hobby,...
RispondiEliminait would be more wonderful if you would earn money with the time you spend with the best blog sites. to know more about earning through blogs, read this can earn money in many ways with your blog. these ways...
and most of the time they want...
RispondiEliminait right now! so give it to them quickly and format your blog post in a way that they can easily scan your post to find exactly what they are looking for.5) cite surprising statistics. we all love statistics. you can...
your heart for the business, so better...
RispondiEliminahave a good start.writing the first postsif launching a blog requires laborious efforts, writing the first post needs tons of these.the first post should be the introduction. introduce yourself first, your blog, your niche, and your business. your futu...
a trained, skilled, experienced professional bid writer...
RispondiEliminaor pre-qualification questionnaire (pqq) and bid writing services company. if you hire a recommended practitioner or company to help your company or organisation to produce and submit tender documents then you shall not only reap the benefits of having...
second or the third. the chorus is...
RispondiEliminathe most important part of all because it is repeated more than twice.have you figured out how to start your song writing? well, you can do it easier if you create a song book. create you song books with scrapbook supplies...
article writing services available on the web,...
RispondiEliminathe range of prices needs to be checked and compared to find out the best deal among them. after all; a provider that bleeds you financially white is never the best choice. writing articles with relevant and updated contents is considered...
research on that topic over the internet....
RispondiEliminaalways keep a pen and a paper handy so that you can note down the important points about that topic which you would like to cover in your post.after noting down the important points read as much as you can about...
to make cash while providing others with...
RispondiEliminapractical information on a assortment of topics.there are a few kinds of skilled bloggers. for instance, a number of companies use them for the maintenance of their corporation blogs. then there are individuals who are comparable to me, and make and...
links from similar sites in your field....
RispondiEliminaif you sell cars, a link from a computer software site will be of no use to you at of the best ways of getting links is to write articles and get them published on websites such as the one...
give the reader a look as to...
RispondiEliminawho you are as a person. by telling a good story you can grab your audience and make a personal connection while getting your message across in a well thought out and interesting anecdotalyou can also tell a story based...
to update it everyday just like you...
RispondiEliminawould a diary. you will eventually develop a following of readers, and they will come back to your site everyday for more of your valuable readers won't just appear out of nowhere. you have to implement marketing strategies to get...
about you and your talents. your blog...
RispondiEliminaneeds to be something that you are passionate enough about to have a continuous flow of ideas. you will want to add blogs on a regular basis to keep people checking back to your website.will you have to spend some money?...
be a huge advantage if you can...
RispondiEliminaonly write 2 or 3 times a week. the draw back is that you do have to read through and make sure the post is good enough for your blog. if you can get some really good writers to produce content...
y and z" of a product or...
RispondiEliminaservice.feasibility studiesthese studies examine whether undertaking a specific project or task is possible and/or advisable within a specific business environment.recommendation reportsthis report is usually a comparison of 2 or more alternative actio...
(oops, i did it again!), but when...
RispondiEliminait comes to writing for the web grammar ain't always your friend. have you ever experienced the so-called "writer's block" while trying to come up with new ideas to blog about? those dry spells can be tough when you just can't...
use today though are either blogspot or...
RispondiEliminawordpress.advantages of wordpress:the advantages offered by the wordpress blogging platform are far too many to be fully discussed in this short article. i shall only mention a couple of my favourite reasons here why i enjoy (nay love) wordpress.first ...
just one or two a week but...
RispondiEliminato sustain that pace over the long term. by long term i mean several years.who should do the blogging?the question of who should write your company's blog posts hinges to a great extent on the size and nature of your company....
countries. sure there are variations in article...
RispondiEliminausage and nouns, yet readers tolerate these extremely well. grammar is extremely predictable across all four maybe be a bit snobbish, but a person's level of education and intelligence is measured by their ability to use english correctly, ...
the one you reside in, you really...
RispondiEliminaneed to have strong cross-cultural ties. for example, i went through a stage where i read british authors extensively. i became quite familiar with the subtle differences between the english of the british isles and the u.s. then i spent 5...
fail to select suitable categories for your...
RispondiEliminaposts then all your efforts are going to get into waste. if you could be successful in doing this, you will definitely be able to gain larger increments of traffic each and every day.2. social media and bookmarking sitesthere are a...
your web content to lead the visitor...
RispondiEliminato make the right assumptions and reach the right conclusions about your business, you will all-the-while be bringing them closer to doing what you want them to memorable, different and life, when you meet someone, you make certai...
fact, here's the first way to get...
RispondiEliminafree blog traffic:1) blogging and pingingwith blogging and pinging, all you're doing is updating your blog and then contacting the search engine services that you have new content on your blog. not only does this account for more free traffic, but...
is actually the next thing that makes...
RispondiEliminathe idea workable.a good article campaign plan must be detailed while at the same time providing enough room for flexibility just in case adjustments have to be made midway in the implementation or even in the advanced stages. of course, prior...
article writer will affect your readership, traffic...
RispondiEliminaand search engine rankings. as a web business owner, be it a blog, ezine or website, the content you offer target readers via your article writing campaign efforts directly impacts the value of website traffic you can generate.this is why choosing...
what it is you have to
RispondiEliminaif you really want to maximize the use of your name, then pick one that is search engine friendly. if you want a lifetime of free targeted traffic straight from the search engines, then this step can't be skipped. what you...
times and it sounds stiff and repetitive....
RispondiElimina"wait this is a lot harder than i thought" you might be saying to yourself. you may start sweating a little bit thinking about the 50 pages of content that you need to write about and make come've heard of...
in contact these days is not hard...
RispondiEliminato do so do not use the excuse 'i am too busy' or even 'it's not worth it' believe me, it is worth it. most bloggers these days use social media to increase traffic and build relationships with their readers and...
encourage and participate in social sharing and...
RispondiEliminathis will increase traffic to your blog. you can also guest blogging on other sites and this will encourage others to promote your site as well and if people like what you have to say, it will encourage them to read...
3. make sure that headings to have...
RispondiEliminathe main keywords.on the other hand, you can highlight some important words or phrases, words that are much likely to be searched over the internet.paragraphs should not contain more than 3 or 4 phrases. one ideea, one paragraph, because having paragra...
comment on one of their articles. when...
RispondiEliminayou do this, make sure to share the link to your blog. note: always make your comments meaningful, sharing your expertise. it works a heck of a lot better than just agreeing with them.*social media profiles: make sure that your blog...
30-40 calories. if you're new to blogging,...
RispondiEliminayou may have already heard that hosting your own blog is one of the greatest moves you can make. it's true - blogging is a great way to make money online, but if you really want to succeed, you need to...
web site and you'll get almost none...
RispondiEliminaof the benefits of this form of altruism. all you'll be doing is referring readers to those other businesses and often should you blog?everyone has a different opinion about how frequently a business should blog. the real trick is su...
that majority of the readers of your...
RispondiEliminawebsite are more comfortable with simple, non glossy language. using short, simple but creative sentences which have potential to be meaningful to the readers require proper writing style and skills. it is also advisable to use humorous description to ...
the readers to get bored with an...
RispondiEliminaarticle that is too long with all the redundant words used all throughout. a good article should be between 300-750 words the best seo writer that you can be. follow all the guidelines listed above and you'll never go wrong....
and creative writing style; one key component...
RispondiEliminais to incorporate your own style and personality into your writing, but have no fear this will come in due time. as you grow in your writing you'll discover that there are so many different writing styles out there for you...
explore causes and reasons for current or...
RispondiEliminahistorical events, or recount lessons learned from significant life experiences. good essay writing can be merely descriptive, but the best essays are also persuasive.a very basic form of essay is the five-paragraph theme, which is taught in most high ...
spend hours researching a topic or niche....
RispondiEliminayou craft your message to take advantage of every seo tactic you know. your images are optimized and you've back-linked the post. what's next?you must have a strong call to action!whats the use of doing all the work to get traffic...
enjoy the most success are the one...
RispondiEliminathat invest the time required for research and posting. this must be done on a consistent basis and over a long period of time! popular blogs are the result of a marathon effort on the part of the individual blogger and...
following the tips mentioned in this article...
RispondiEliminaor hire a web content writer who can provide an excellent service to you. hiring a freelance writer can be a daunting task. there are literally hundreds of freelance writers out there, hailing from more countries than you'd likely expect. the...
this should be voiced to the web...
RispondiEliminawriter right from the start to avoid any misunderstandings.see samplesyou will want to hire an seo writer with a style of writing that appeals to you and works well for your niche or business. some seo firms work with many writers...
you can make your readers laugh they...
RispondiEliminawill be your friend forever. irony and mild sarcasm are always well received; however, you still want to make sure that humor is the vehicle you are using to carry your message across to your inspirationalfind something that is uplifting...
in my career that this would be...
RispondiEliminaa good way to build an extensive portfolio and keep the writing gigs coming in and that's just what regular market listings for online magazines, in flight magazines, paid guest blogging opportunities and print magazine newsletters did for me.good wri...
with a professional writer can really help...
RispondiEliminayou develop some consistency with your article submission schedule. consistent article submissions are the key to success--you really need to submit articles steadily every month.there are many very skilled writers who offer their services for hire--if...
heard that "content is king." we've also...
RispondiEliminaheard that "marketing is queen."â while these are both true and non-negotiable, there is a third element that cannot be ignored. a good topic that is marketed well is nothing if not delivered in a clean and winning need style.keep...
can take a lot of time to...
RispondiEliminalocate just the right name, even so i find looking for good blog names to be particularly enjoyable.the first point to understand about finding a good blog name is that you want it to be the exact target keyword phrase that...
keep them alive, but there is nothing...
RispondiEliminathat will serve you at this time like new accounts.your payments and your balancesonce you have your new accounts open, you need to manage them in a special way for the best credit repair results. you know that you must make...
are that people could benefit from it.conduct...
RispondiEliminaan interview with an expert in your niche. there is no better way to establish credibility than conducting interviews with experts. you see, when someone reads your blog post and finds that you communicate with a well known name, that person...
they can be very hard to read...
RispondiEliminain large chunks. if you wish to use these you should restrict them to headings or use them in images.there is of course one exception, comic sans ms. this comes in at no. 9 on the list of most widely used...
feel your pain and sympathize with you3....
RispondiEliminaten guilty pleasures. all of us have at least one. why not share with your readers. ask them to respond by writing their guilty pleasures in return.4. if i were a tv producer. surely you've complained about the rubbish tv programmes....
post op recovery garments, there is also...
RispondiEliminaa mastectomy camisole. a camisole is a type of undergarment for women which is sleeveless and up to the waistline in length. the neckline is usually extra-wide so that a patient needs not lift her arms to wear the camisole because...
- there's no need.eye catching, bold, relevant...
RispondiEliminaand entertaining images add value and interest to your blog. pictures within a post can deliver information, break up text to make the post more readable, give a touch of color or humor and even bring in traffic and improve overall...
good writers will produce custom written quality...
RispondiEliminacontent for each individual client. it takes time to research the product, research keywords and write that content. that takes time and costs money. don't just assume that you will get the same quality of writing if you hire the lowest...
the update they are currently viewing! linking...
RispondiEliminais a very effective strategy for developing loyalty amongst viewers by making your site easier to navigate! when writing content always make the effort to link to other relevant entries found on your blog!easy to read formatthe last thing to keep...
for the web, a professional writer always...
RispondiEliminagenerates original copy.seo content writing services are required for marketing reasons. when writing for the web, a skilled writer knows how to create text for articles, blogs and social networking sites. in this way, seo content writing services can ...
do to. so find an image that...
RispondiEliminamakes people wonder, "what's that all about?"4) create bullet points. i honestly believe that most people head straight for the bullet points. your reader is looking for a solution and most of the time they want it right now! so give...
in other words, every subject was tested...
RispondiEliminafor three meals, which were categorized as: 1) cho (carbohydrate only); 2) chop (carbohydrate plus protein); and, 3) chopl (carbohydrate plus protein plus leucine). training bouts were separated by 7 the end of each resistance exercise, each su...
are active 24 hours a day, documentation...
RispondiEliminaand a support system available to help and guide you in every way possible. friendly fellow users are there to support you. you can also import your blog from other sites in case you want to discontinue using that site and...
writer will see far more success in...
RispondiEliminathe world of blogging than any corporate business out there. so, if you can relate to it, it becomes more real and thus, is an entertaining and insightful way to spend a good hour or two on the internet. if you've...
and will become your most loyal readers...
RispondiEliminaand customers. the following are some tips on how to pick the best keyword phrases for your blog.first of all, you've probably seen guides out there pointing you in the direction of the "best" keyword research tools out there and it...
you are recommended to contact such companies...
RispondiEliminaand carry out online surveys and feedback generation. for this purpose, you will need to fill out product questionnaires for demand statistics, for which you would generally receive good money for each survey. i would say that paid emails is also...
time and practice. however, it's well worth...
RispondiEliminathe time and effort you put into it. so what can you do to get your articles listed higher on the search results? here are just a few of the best techniques out there:1. improve your writing skills by practicing your...
spent 5 hours working on it! (this...
RispondiEliminawas for a recipe ebook).i consider it a success if the return on my investment in time and energy is high. for example, if i worked 100 hours on a project, and end up making 10k with it, that's about $100...
techniques?shatter the problem: even though the problem...
RispondiEliminamight seem like a big stone, whole, it can be broken down to pieces. try to look at every aspect of the situation and find ideas separately for each one of them. you can write the problem as a proposition, separate...
ways to earn money online. make use...
RispondiEliminaof this opportunity to attract visitors to your blogs. if the content is worth it, they may even subscribe to your feeds or recommends the page to a friend.'how to' content - a lot of new members are also searching on...
of google. those 10 results are the...
RispondiEliminamost likely to be clicked on when people search for goal is to help you improve the rankings of your website and consequently drive more customers to your business. so, read through the suggestions and use some or all of...
only advice would be, to choose a...
RispondiEliminawriter who's first language is english. with in a few days of posting the job you will receive many bids, some will offer to complete the project for $50, other freelance writers will offers bids which are less than the $50....
become a very lucrative skill...but not everyone...
RispondiEliminahas the ability to tap into this profitable marketing tool...some are just launching their first blogs. if you are one of these people...there are few things you need to learn in order to make your blog popular. and unless you have...
although keeping those most loyal to your...
RispondiEliminaplatform satisfied is of great importance, so is your ability to continually increase the flow of traffic to your site! mastering these 5 easy to learn tasks and implementing them regularly will help you develop one of the most popular blogs...
very reluctant to approve blog comments. in...
RispondiEliminathis article i will give you five easy tips to get your comments approved on blogs. by following these steps diligently and consistently one should be able to build tons of back links to websites and improve search engine rankings.tip i:...